Leave a Legacy

Please consider Hadassah when you write gifts in your Will. Contact us: 020 8202 2860


Hadassah would like you be aware of the importance to future generations of your support. No matter which charities are close to your heart, it’s vital to name them in your Will once you have made provision for your friends and family.


Hadassah relies on your generosity, and depends on legacies no matter what size to continue our work in healing, teaching & creating innovation in treatment and breakthroughs in medical research. Without you there would not be the Centres of Excellence at Hadassah now.


Donations in Memory
And Perpetual Yahrzeit

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Who will say Kaddish?


Hadassah will recite the Kaddish memorial prayer upon the Yahrzeit date for your named loved one in perpetuity.


This will be in our beautiful Chagall windowed Abell Synagogue in Jerusalem, where the strong Jerusalem sunshine is broken down into the vibrant colours and designs of the twelve tribes as created by artist Marc Chagall.

Your donation will ensure that the designated Yahrzeit date will be recited in perpetuity and also support Hadassah Hospital’s activities in healing, teaching and research.


If you would like Hadassah UK to send an “in memory” certificate to mourners please send to us their names and address. Please contact us by phone at 020 8202 2860 or email uk.office@hadassah.org.uk for more details.

Please consider Hadassah when you write gifts in your Will. Contact us: 020 8202 2860


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